Manufactured Sand (M-Sand)! Properties of M-Sand

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With time, the use of manufactured sand (M-Sand) is increasing as an alternative to natural sand. Due to the significant use of construction sand worldwide. And the reduction of environmental stress on the mining of sand from rivers. With the prohibition of sand mining in various states. And the growing demand for river sand for construction projects. Engineers are enforcing to use of manufactured sand in the construction industry. Artificial sand is broadly used in large-scale projects all over the world.

Table of Contents

What is Manufactured Sand (M-Sand)?

Manufactured sand (M-Sand) is a replacement for river sand for concrete construction. M- Sand is made by crushing hard granite.

The crushed sand particles are cube-shaped with grounded edges. After cleaning and grading, they can be used as building materials. The size of the M-Sand is less than 4.75mm.

How to Manufacture Sand?

There are four steps involved in the production of M-Sand,

  1. Feed
  2. Crushing and screening
  3. Air Classification
  4. Sand

1. Feed

In the production of crushed aggregates, up to 30% of the material obtained from the bedrock is reduced to a size of less than 4 mm. Which means that they will be wasted. These stocks are ideal feed for the production of artificial sand.

2. Crushing and screening

Efficient crushing and sieving make the feed material form a uniform consistency, precise shape, and classification. Screening ensures that this material is graded correctly, similar to river sand.

3. Air Classification

Dry (Air) classification reduces the amount of dust and ultrafine powder helps meet strict specifications and improves the quality of the final product.

4. Sand

The final product is manufactured sand, which is of better quality than natural sand so that raw materials that were wasted before have been repaid.

To obtain high-quality final results, each crusher stage needs to be optimized. The final crusher stage to repair trivial crushed products is not a good method.

Facts have proved that installing a vertical axis impactor (VSI) is an effective method for producing small and medium-size (

But, avoiding a high percentage of fines is a challenge. However, the latest generation of dry screen equipment combined with the latest air classification technology. They allow precise control of the classification curve, including the finest parts.

However, it is important to realize that due to insufficient handling and storage procedures, high-quality aggregates may be reduced.

Why manufactured sand (M-Sand) is used?

Here are some reasons why M-Sand is used

Properties of manufactured sand (M-Sand)

General Requirements for M Sand

  1. All sand particles should have high crushing strength.
  2. The surface texture of the particles should be smooth.
  3. The edges of the particles should be grounded.
  4. The proportion of fine powder below 600 microns in the sand should not be less than 30%.
  5. There should be no organic impurities
  6. For crushed sand, the silt in the sand shall not exceed 2%.
  7. In artificial sand, the allowable limit of fine powder less than 75 microns shall not exceed 15%.

Use of manufactured sand (M-Sand) to improve the natural sand

A limited amount of m sand is used to improve the sand grade, where the initial natural sand is, low in fines, or has a special “open” grade. This method may be successful when low-fine sand is used in low strength cement concrete, especially in high slump mixtures, to prevent segregation and exudation. The limitation is that the hybrid design concept has not changed. The pulverized aggregate is used more or less like any other aggregate. Only using finer classification, must accept the disadvantages of particle shape and often. Thus, it is concluded that in most cases, the incorporation of m sand will result in a decrease in workability and need more water.

Impact of Manufactured sand on Cement Mortar

The effect of M-Sand on the compressive strength of cement mortars with water-cement ratios of 0.5 and 0.55 at ratios of 1:2, 1:3, and 1:6 was studied. The compressive strength of cement mortar that replaces 50% of natural sand with artificial sand shows higher strength.

Impact of Manufactured Sand on Concrete

Advantages of M-Sand

Disadvantages of M-Sand