Civil Service Interviews – Common Questions and How To ACE Them

Well lardy dar. Look who’s the big “I am” about town.

I’m just playing. That’s fantastic. You should be very encouraged by this news as only a very small percentage of applicants survive the sift and score an interview.

First thing first though. Remember what you did in your application to get this far. Remember it. Write it down. Save it. Print a hard copy and put it in the safe. That is your ticket back here again should you be unsuccessful with your interview.

How did you answer your behaviour questions? What was your 250 word statement for “Delivering at Pace”? Did you tailor your CV and Personal Statement to the role? If so, how? Write all these things down and then use them again in your next application. You’ve got the golden ticket now!

But enough about next time. There won’t be a next time. Because you are going to nail this interview and get this job at the first go around.

And that’s what we are here to talk about in this article. Civil service interviews. What are they? How are they structured? What questions should you expect? How should you prepare? All of that will be talked about…and more!

But before that. Are you worried that your CV is holding you back from getting interviews? How many applications have you submitted to get this interview? 1? 2? 5? 10? More?

If you are getting more rejections (or ghosts) than interview requests then there might be something wrong with your CV. Let us take a look at it and give you some pointers (completely free), just upload your CV below and someone will reach out to you in a day or two with some tips to increase your chances of landing an interview:

Submit Your CV For Review