My own little memory manager in C

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#include #include #include // a struct representing a memory block struct memoryBlock < // metadata about memory block size_t size; struct memoryBlock *next; >; // function declarations void* malloc(size_t); void free(void*); void* calloc(size_t, size_t); void* realloc(void*, size_t); struct memoryBlock* mymemcpy(void*, const void*, size_t); void fuse_adjacent_freeBlocks(); size_t round_to_next_power_of_two(unsigned int); struct memoryBlock* get_bestFit_freeBlock(size_t size); void print_freelist(); struct memoryBlock head = < 0, 0 >; /* This function allocates a block of memory of size bytes. */ void* malloc(size_t size) < //If size is zero or less, return NULL if (size struct memoryBlock *p =; size = round_to_next_power_of_two(size + sizeof(struct memoryBlock)); // when free-list is empty, No freelist traversal, just sbrk and return the pointer if (p == NULL) < p = (struct memoryBlock*) sbrk(size); p->size = size; return ((char*) p) + sizeof(struct memoryBlock); > // traverse the free-list for a best-fit, if found return it p = get_bestFit_freeBlock(size); if (p != NULL) < return ((char*) p) + sizeof(struct memoryBlock); >// reached only if best-fit not found, sbrk and return p = (struct memoryBlock*) sbrk(size); p->size = size; return ((char*) p) + sizeof(struct memoryBlock); > /* This function frees a block of memory that had previously been allocated. */ void free(void *ptr) < // If ptr is NULL, this function does nothing, just RETURNs if (ptr == NULL) < return; >struct memoryBlock *to_free = (struct memoryBlock*) (((char*) ptr) - sizeof(struct memoryBlock)); struct memoryBlock *p =; // if free-list is empty, insert and return if (p == NULL) < = to_free; to_free->next = NULL; return; > // try to insert at the appropriate location, fuse and return for (p =; p->next != NULL; p = p->next) < if ((p < to_free) && (to_free < p->next)) < to_free->next = p->next; p->next = to_free; fuse_adjacent_freeBlocks(); return; > > // last resort - insert at the end of free-list p->next = to_free; to_free->next = NULL; // coalesce fuse_adjacent_freeBlocks(); > /* This function allocates memory for an array of nmemb elements of size bytes each and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. */ void* calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) < //If nmemb or size is 0, then returns NULL if ((nmemb == 0) || (size == 0)) < return NULL; >size_t actualSize = nmemb * size; void *p = malloc(actualSize); // zero the memory location char *d = (char*) p; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) < d[i] = 0; >return p; > /* realloc() changes the size of the memory block pointed to by ptr to size bytes. */ void* realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) < size_t actulSize = round_to_next_power_of_two( size + sizeof(struct memoryBlock)); // If ptr is NULL, then the call is equivalent to just calling malloc(size) for all values of size. if (ptr == NULL) < return (malloc(size)); >//if size is equal to zero, and ptr is not NULL, then if ((size == 0) && (ptr != NULL)) < free(ptr); return NULL; >struct memoryBlock *p = (struct memoryBlock*) (((char*) ptr) - sizeof(struct memoryBlock)); //move the pointer back by sizeof(struct FreeList) to make it overlap properly // if the new size is equal to the existing size of the block, then just return the ptr as is if (actulSize == p->size) < return ptr; >// if the new size is less than the existing size of the block, split it. // can be split only if the resulting block is of size - power of 2, if not then we allocate a new block (after this IF) if (actulSize < p->size) < size_t size_difference = p->size - actulSize; if ((size_difference > sizeof(struct memoryBlock)) && (size_difference >= round_to_next_power_of_two(size_difference))) < p->size = actulSize; struct memoryBlock *return_to_freelist = (struct memoryBlock*) (((char*) p) + p->size); return_to_freelist->size = size_difference; return_to_freelist = (struct memoryBlock*) (((char*) return_to_freelist) + sizeof(struct memoryBlock)); free(return_to_freelist); return ((char*) p) + sizeof(struct memoryBlock); > > // reached when neither of the cases were satisfied , and allocating a new block is the option left // Allocate a new block to accommodate the new size, copy the contents to the new block and free the old block struct memoryBlock *reallocedBlock = malloc(size); // If malloc returns NULL if (reallocedBlock == NULL) < return NULL; >// Copy contents from old location to the new one if (actulSize > p->size) < mymemcpy(reallocedBlock, (((char*) p) + sizeof(struct memoryBlock)), (p->size - sizeof(struct memoryBlock))); > else if (actulSize < p->size) < mymemcpy(reallocedBlock, (((char*) p) + sizeof(struct memoryBlock)), size); >// Free the old block free(ptr); return reallocedBlock; > struct memoryBlock* mymemcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t len) < char *d = (char*) dest; const char *s = (char*) src; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) < d[i] = s[i]; >return (struct memoryBlock*) d; > /* auxillary function to print the free list, meant for debug purpose only */ void print_freelist() < char msg_buf[100]; sprintf(msg_buf, "\t(%s) ", __func__); write(2, msg_buf, strlen(msg_buf)); struct memoryBlock *p =; if (p == NULL) < sprintf(msg_buf, "Free list is empty!!\n"); write(2, msg_buf, strlen(msg_buf)); return; >sprintf(msg_buf, "Free-List: "); write(2, msg_buf, strlen(msg_buf)); for (p =; p != NULL; p = p->next) < sprintf(msg_buf, "[%lu](%p) -->", p->size, (void*) p); write(2, msg_buf, strlen(msg_buf)); > sprintf(msg_buf, " %p\n", (void*) p); write(2, msg_buf, strlen(msg_buf)); > /* Merges two adjacent free blocks into a single, contiguous free block. */ void fuse_adjacent_freeBlocks() < struct memoryBlock *p; // merge until no more merges possible, 2 passes are enough for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) < for (p =; p != NULL; p = p->next) < if (p->next != NULL) < if (((((char*) p) + p->size) == (char*) p->next) && (p->size == p->next->size)) < // check contiguity & equality of size p->size = p->size + p->next->size; // update the size p->next = p->next->next; // merge > > > > > /* Given a size, returns the best-fit block from the free-list */ struct memoryBlock* get_bestFit_freeBlock(size_t size) < struct memoryBlock *bestFit_freeBlock = NULL; // set the minumum to the size difference with the first free block in the free-list size_t minimum =>size - size; struct memoryBlock *p =; struct memoryBlock *trail_p = &head; for (p =; p != NULL; p = p->next) < if (p->size >= size) < // exact size best-fit if (p->size == size) < bestFit_freeBlock = p; trail_p->next = p->next; // unlink p return bestFit_freeBlock; // no further search needed, a kind of optimization. > else if ((p->size - size) size - size) > sizeof(struct memoryBlock)) && ((p->size - size) >= round_to_next_power_of_two(p->size - size))) < minimum = p->size - size; bestFit_freeBlock = p; > > > trail_p = p; // trail p, useful while unlinking > // reached if best-fit found by splitting (i.e not by exact size match) if (bestFit_freeBlock != NULL) < bestFit_freeBlock->size = bestFit_freeBlock->size - size; bestFit_freeBlock = (struct memoryBlock*) (((char*) bestFit_freeBlock) + bestFit_freeBlock->size); bestFit_freeBlock->size = size; > return bestFit_freeBlock; > // code for below function was taken from size_t round_to_next_power_of_two(unsigned int v) < v--; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; v++; return v; >