What is a Victim Impact Statement?

A Victim Impact Statement is a written or oral statement presented to the court at the sentencing of the defendant. Many times victims, their family members, and friends of the victim participate in both written and verbal statements. More often than not, numerous individuals write letters to the sentencing judge and only a few of those directly connected to the crime speak at sentencing. Victim Impact Statements were created as an opportunity for the judge to hear how a criminal action has affected you and those that you love. Victim Impact Statements are not limited to the courts. Many times, probation or paroling agencies allow for an opportunity to present a statement as well.

How to Write a Victim Impact Statement?

As you are preparing your impact statement, you may find that using the following questions can guide you. Remember that writing about your feelings may be very painful, so be sure to pace yourself and don’t feel that you need to have it “perfect”. Be gentle with yourself and take as many breaks as you need. As you are preparing your statement, you may find that the following questions can guide you:

The above guidelines do not cover the totality of the impact of crime, but may be used as a starting point. Victim Impact statements are unique to you and people have various ways of expressing how crime has affected them. Even though guidelines are typically given to you before sentencing, and there is much flexibility in how you present your statement, there are things you will need to take into consideration.



Every morning when I wake up, I have to remind myself that my attacker won’t be able to hurt me today. If I don’t tell myself that I simply can’t get out of bed. Since I was assaulted I have lost the full function of my right leg. I still have to go to the doctor for physical therapy and they fear that I still won’t be able to walk the same. I used to love to run, until my attacker took that away from me. It hurts emotionally and physically to even make it to work in the morning. When I drive past the place that this all happened I try not to shake in fear. I can’t sleep most nights without nightmares of my attacker. I so desperately want my life back. The life I had before he took my life away.


What Happens to my Victim Impact Statement? Do I Have to Read it in Court?

Preparing and presenting an impact statement in court, or in front of a paroling or probation agency, can be intimidating. If you do not think you can physically stand in front of the offender and read your statement, have an alternate in mind beforehand. It does not matter who presents your statement as long as you have identified this person in advance. Many times, victim advocates are asked to present impact statements. It does not have to be a victim advocate, and should be someone you feel comfortable expressing your words.
If you submit a letter, this will become part of the court file, the prosecutor’s file and defense file. Victim Impact Statements can also be included in the offender’s Department of Corrections file. It could be subject to public disclosure. This is why it is essential to not include contact information in your statements, written or verbally.

Why Write a Victim Impact Statement?

It is not mandatory you write an impact statement. This is a right you have but not one you have to participate in. Many choose not to participate. There are several reasons why Victim Impact Statements are beneficial. The reasons stated below are just a few.

Victim Impact Statements How To in SPANISH - Cómo escribir una declaración de impacto en la víctima


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If you have any questions or would like help with a Victim Impact Statement please contact us.