The preamble of the Constitution consists of six goals that are the hope of the people who helped complete the Constitution. These goals are: form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty. I am not sure that the government has reached of all the six goals of the Constitution, but some of these goals have been reached and yet some of these goals have not have been reached or somewhat reached.
We have reached this goal: form a more perfect union. When the Constitution, thirteen states existed and now there is fifty states existing. We, as Americans and citizens of this nation, get to go to every state without showing idea or permission to go to the state or area. Nobody asks us what are we doing in that state or region because we have liberty to go anywhere we want in this country. We have formed a more perfect union then when this Constitution was written, when there was only thirteen states. But, not all of the six goals have been reached. But, I feel that this goal has been reached.
We have may insured domestic tranquility. Domestic tranquility is when there is no trouble at home, here in the United States. But there is some trouble in throughout this nation. We have drills called Code Red, that we duck and cover, in fear that someone or something is going to shoot us. Yes, shoot us. Does this show domestic tranquility? I didn't think so. This means that we are NOT safe in “safe” places like schools were children go to school to learn. Someone is going on campus to hurt or harm with weapons such as guns, knifes and even a kid I knew asks if someone is going to bust open a window and throw a grenade in the classroom! Is this domestic tranquility? I know the police and our soldiers are doing whatever they can but, it isn't enough. At high schools across the nation, shootings have occurred by people and students! We have not fully completed this goal. We are afraid of getting shot at in our schools, the often safest place for children and maybe homes, the safest place for everybody! Is the police not keeping up because we don't have enough police officers? Is the government trying to protect us? My dad once told me that someone in the government helped bring down the twin towers! How did they even get in the United States? How did they hijack the planes? How? Someone helped them. How can we keep safe if sometimes we cannot trust our government? Hopefully the next president, Obama
or McCain, can help us reach this goal. I am not saying that they government are trying to kill us, what am I saying is that this goal isn't fully reached!
We have meet one another goal of the Constitution. We have secured the blessings of liberty. In Mexico, people work hard just to get food on the table. We don't even have to work to get cell phones, ipods, itouches, and computers! People in Mexico can't even afford homes! The people in Mexico don't have nice stuff like we do. We should take our nice items for granted. We live in a country that we have nice things and billionaires live like kings. We don't even think about people that live in Mexico and Africa that are starving. We have meet this goal but, we should take this goal for granted. This goal can be easily taken away like our economy. Ever since 9/11, our economy has fallen and broken apart. Soon, if this keeps up, we Americans can't even afford food! My family can barely afford food ourselves! We soon be eating out of garbage. We should take this goal for granted because, like life, this goal is very delicate state.
We have meet many of these goals but, some of these six goals of the Constitution still aren't reached or fully reached. I hope, someday, we will meet all of these goals.
Submitted: October 29, 2008
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