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Yes. California is a franchise registration state. The initial FDD registration fee is $675 and the FDD renewal fee is $450. Before offering or selling a franchise in the State of California franchisors must first register their FDD with the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation. Registration expires 110 days after the end of the franchisor’s fiscal year end and requires annual renewal.
To learn more about registering your FDD with the California Department of Financial Protection, call us at (800) 976-4904 or contact us.
Before offering or selling a franchise in California you must file a Uniform Franchise Registration Application with the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI). Your registration application should include a cover letter, filing fee, and the following documents:
Your registration and renewal applications must be filed with the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation at the following addresses:
You registration may also be filed using California's DFPI's online registration portal.
When submitting your application you must include all fees and required forms, including a cover letter that acknowledges (a) whether or not any required documents or exhibits will be submitted at a later date, (b) if the "franchisor offered or sold securities in California under the California Corporate Securities Law of 1968" and, if, so describing such transactions and indicating whether the securities were qualified or exempt, (c) disclose the date of the franchisor's fiscal year-end, and (d) acknowledge that the California "registration will generally end 110 days after the date of the franchisor's next fiscal year".
Registration approval depends on the quality and thoroughness of your FDD and registration application, and how quickly you respond to comment letters from the examining attorney assigned to review your application.
Assuming that you sent a complete FDD registration application, California applies an automatic effectiveness standard where, technically, your FDD registration will become effective thirty (30) business days after the filing of your registration application. However, in practice, you should expect that within this thirty (30) day period you will receive a comment letter from a senior counsel at the Department of Business Oversight. The comment letter will “toll” the automatic effectiveness of your registration application (i.e., you will not be registered yet) subject to you updating your FDD and application in response to the examining attorney’s comments.
Unless you receive a registration notice from the State of California, you should never assume that registration has occurred. Once registered, you will receive an "Order of Effectiveness" from the Department of Business Oversight. The Order of Effectiveness will note the date that your registration is effective and the date when your registration will expire.
You must renew your FDD registration within 110 days of the end of your fiscal year. For franchisors that operate on a fiscal calendar year basis this means that you must renew your FDD registration not later than April 20th of each year. Under Section 31121 of the California Franchise Investment Law, your renewal application must be filed before your registration expires. Otherwise, you will be required to file a new / initial application for registration, which requires payment of a higher filing fee.
Under California law there are a number of franchise transactions are exempt from California's FDD registration requirements. If an FDD registration exemption applies, you may offer and sell a franchise in California prior to or without obtaining FDD registration. California's FDD registration exemptions are fact specific and include the following types of transactions:
If a registration exemption applies you are still required to properly disclose your FDD to your franchisee candidate and, in most instances, you'll be required to file an exemption notice with the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation. Before relying on an exemption, consult with your franchise lawyer. Learn more about California’s FDD registration exemptions.
"Any offer, sale, or other transfer of a franchise, or any interest in a franchise, to a resident of another state or any territory or foreign country, shall be exempted from the provision of Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 31110) of this part, if all locations from which sales, leases or other transactions between the franchised business and its customers are made, or goods or services are distributed, are physically located outside this state."
The California Franchise Investment Law and the regulations issued under this law have imposed additional disclosure obligations that require franchisors to include a California state specific addendum to the FDD. The California state specific addendum will allow for a multi-state compliant FDD while addressing the additional disclosure obligations that apply under California law.
Typical provisions included in the California State FDD addendum include mandatory notices related to the California Franchise Investment Law and disclosures about legal provision such as forum selection and non-compete clauses that may conflict with California law. Franchisors and their legal counsel should review the Guidelines for Franchise Registration issued by the California Department of Business Oversight for a detailed review of required FDD addendum provisions.
Your application should include the franchisor's financial statements audited by an independent certified public accountant. The financial statements required to be filed include:
Learn more about FDD financial statement requirements, including phase-in exemptions for new franchisors.
California is one of the franchise registration states that imposes financial assurance requirements. During the FDD registration and renewal process the California state examiner will review the financial statements of your franchise company and if the examiner determines that you possess insufficient shareholders' equity or working capital your FDD registration will be conditioned on the satisfaction of a financial assurance requirement. Common financial assurance requirements include your agreement to defer the initial franchise fee until your franchisee has opened for business, escrowing the initial franchise fee, or the posting of a bond. Many times you will have the ability to choose between the three of these options however, in practice, deferral of the initial franchise fee is the most expedient and available option for start-up and emerging franchisors.
Under California franchise law, before making any negotiated changes to a franchise agreement, there are regulatory and notice requirements that must be followed by a franchisor. Once a franchisor negotiates the terms of its registered FDD (i.e., negotiates and agrees to terms that vary from terms contained in the California registered FDD) on-going disclosure and notice obligations are placed on the franchisor.
When dealing with negotiated changes to California franchise agreements a distinction should be made between:
(a) negotiated changes that are for the benefit of the prospective franchisee by conferring the prospective franchisee with additional benefits; and
(b) negotiated changes that, on the whole, do not confer additional benefits to the franchisee.
Negotiated Changes Benefitting the Franchisee: If, in the prior twelve months, a franchisor has negotiated and agreed to franchise agreement changes that confer additional benefits to a California franchisee, then under California Corporations Code Section 31109.1 the franchisor must:
(a) Offering Circular Item Number:_____________________
(b) Description of Provisions in Currently Registered Offering Circular:_____________________
(c) Description of Change: _____________________
(d) A statement that ". copies of the negotiated terms are available upon written request. " and "contact information of the franchisor's representative from whom negotiated terms can be obtained."
Negotiated that Do Not Benefit the Franchisee: If the negotiated changes do not, on the whole, confer additional benefits to the prospective franchisee, then under California Code of Regulations, Title 10, Section 310.100.2 a franchisor must:
Summary About Making Franchise Agreement Negotiated Changes - California law declares that it is unlawful to offer a California franchise or to a California franchisee unless the franchise offering conforms to the terms of the registered California FDD. California law is extremely technical and stringent as to this point and there are no exceptions for negotiations made to a franchise agreement. Once a franchisor negotiates and modifies the terms of a California franchise agreement, the franchisor will then be subject to additional notice and, potentially, filing requirements. The extent of the notice and filing requirements depend on whether or not the negotiated changes are for the benefit of the franchisee. Either way, once a negotiated change is made, notice must be give to all future California franchisees signing agreements over the next twelve months. For additional information see the California Guidelines for Franchise Registration, link below.
Helpful California franchise law and FDD registration links. Also visit our interactive franchise registration map to learn more about state franchise laws, FDD registration states, and required franchise filings.